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Wondering how to effectively measure the behavior and characteristics of individual informal settings? A personality quiz might just be what you need since it reveals personality types and related tendencies

As the name suggests, personality quizzes combine several techniques and questions to help you measure the characteristics, patterns, and traits of individuals in different scenarios. You can administer these quizzes in several contexts including recruitment, student admission, and psychological evaluations. 

So how exactly do personality quizzes work? In this article, we will discuss different types of personality testing, question samples, and how you can build your quiz from scratch using Formplus. 

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What is a Personality Quiz? 

A personality quiz is a series of closed-ended and open-ended questions that helps you to gauge an individual’s preferences and characteristics. You can think of it as some sort of behavioral assessment tool that provides the context of an individual’s personality and allows you to predict how they’ll behave in different contexts. 

Personality quizzes are often administered in HR management, during interviews, and for existing staff. A common example is psychometric testing used in career guidance to match prospective candidates to the different roles in an organization. Personality tests also come in handy during medical diagnosis (therapy) and as part of market research. 

Access This: 15 Free Self Assessment Form Template + [Question Example]

Types of Personality Quizzes and Surveys

1. Self-Report Inventories

A self-report inventory is an objective testing method that consists of several rating questions in a Likert-scale format. Respondents choose the option on the scale that best describes their disposition towards a particular statement. At the end of the day, the researcher collates these responses and makes an objective judgment from the results. 

One of the most common types of self-report inventory is Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) introduced in 1943. Initially, MMPI was only used in clinical research. However, in recent times, the test comes in useful for employee screening, college admission tests, and even marital counseling. 

This quiz takes about two hours to complete and contains more than 500 dichotomous questions. 

For You: Free Online Quiz Template

2. Projective Tests 

A projective test is a personality testing method where you provide responses to ambiguous images and symbols. The whole idea here is to observe the different emotions the respondent experiences as they encounter these ambiguous representations. 

Projective testing is rooted in psychoanalysis which argues that people have unconscious desires and conflicts that influence their dispositions, character, and how they relate with others. Projective tests can help you discover whether an individual has high levels of anxiety or some other personality disorder that can affect their relationship with others. 

Common types of projective tests are The Rorschach Inkblot Test, The Thematic Apperception Test, and The Draw-A-Person Test. 

Why You Should Use Surveys and Quizzes for Personality Testing  

  • Collect Representative Data from a Large Number of Respondents 

Surveys and quizzes allow you to collect information from a large number of respondents simultaneously. You can send out an online personality quiz or survey to thousands of people at once, and collect responses that are highly representative of the larger population. 

  • Convenient Data Gathering 

Collecting data using surveys and quizzes is convenient for all the parties involved. For instance, the researcher doesn’t have to meet with respondents before they can conduct personality testing. Rather, they can send the survey link via email or QR code, to the participants and collect responses on time. 

On the flip side, the respondent can fill the survey at any time, without any interfacing with the researcher. A tool like Formplus allows respondents to save partially completed forms for a later time, and to also fill and submit forms without an internet connection. 

  • Cost-effective Data Collection 

If you are looking for data collection on a budget, then surveys and quizzes are your best bet. There are many free online tools that you can use to create and administer surveys and quizzes at little or no cost. This cuts down the total overhead costs you would have incurred on data collection. 

  • Ease of Processing Responses 

After collecting large volumes of data with a survey, you can easily organize these responses into categories, and interpret them to arrive at valid research outcomes. For instance, with Formplus, you can view the stats of survey responses in our form analytics dashboard. You can also organize survey day in Google Sheets, seamlessly. 

  • More Accurate Responses 

Typically, online personality surveys and quizzes have a lower margin of error than other traditional methods of personal testing because there’s no middle person involved in the process. Rather, the respondents feed their answers into the system directly. 

 Personality Quiz and Survey Sample Questions

As mentioned earlier, the goal of personality surveys is to ask questions that reveal the characteristics of different individuals. To guide you, we’ve curated 20 sample questions for personality tests. Expectedly, you need to tweak these samples to suit the specific context of your research. 

1. To what extent do you enjoy meeting new people?

  • To a large extent
  • Seldomly
  • Not at all

2. How would you describe yourself?

  • Introverted
  • Extroverted
  • Ambivert

3. I am easily disappointed.

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

4. How do you react when you make mistakes?

5. Do you enjoy trying out new activities?

  • Yes
  • Not at all

6. I consider other people’s feelings before making a decision.

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

7. I enjoy trying out new things.

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

8. I am modest about my achievements.

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

9. I always conceal my feelings.

  • All the time
  • Seldomly
  • Rarely
  • Not at all

10. I like meeting new people. 

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

11. I am nervous before any event.

  • Yes
  • Not at all

12. I worry about things. 

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

13. On a scale of 1–5, how easily do you make friends?

  • Very easily
  • Easily
  • Neutral
  • I find it difficult to make friends.

14. I have a vivid imagination. 

  • Yes
  • No

15. I enjoy large gatherings.

  • Yes
  • No

16. I love expressing my emotions. 

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

17. I prefer a strict routine to spontaneity.

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly agree

18. To what extent do you enjoy exciting activities? 

19. Do you enjoy solving complex problems?

  • Yes
  • Not at all
  • Neutral

20. On a scale of 1–5, how much do you trust people? 

Limitations of Personality Quiz Building with Google Forms and Microsoft Forms 

The success of your personality quiz largely depends on asking questions in the right format, using appropriate tools. Form builders like Google Forms and Microsoft Forms are pretty common for building and administering personality quizzes. 

Despite their many advantages, they have several limitations that can affect your data collection process. Here, we’ll discuss these limitations and their implications for personality testing. 

Read: Formplus vs. Google Forms | What is the best alternative to Google forms?

Limitations of Google Forms

  1. Google Forms has few customization options, limiting how much tweaking you can do to your form.
  2. There’s no offline mode in Google forms which means there’s no way to access or fill your personality quiz without access to the internet.
  3. Google Forms has just a few templates in its library compared to Formplus with more than 1,000 customizable forms for users.

Limitations of Microsoft Forms

  1. There’s no save and resume feature which means respondents cannot save partially completed forms for a later date.
  2. You can only create 400 forms in total using your Microsoft Forms account.
  3. It restricts respondents to a limited number of total character responses for your form. Once they exceed this limit, they cannot provide any new answers in your form even if there are unanswered questions.

Explore: What Are The 16 Personality Types [By Myer Brigs] + Free Tests

Steps to Create a Personality Quiz with Formplus

With Formplus, you can build effective quizzes and surveys for personality testing. Formplus quizzes allow you to collect responses in different formats, process these responses, and organize the data into relevant information. Let’s show you how to create a personality quiz using Formplus. 

Step 1: Sign up for a free Formplus account. If you already have one, you only need to log into your account to access the dashboard. 

Step 2: On your dashboard, click the “create new form” button at the top left corner of the page. If you’d like to get started with a template, you can search for one that works in our templates library. 

Step 3: In the form builder’s inputs section, you have access to multiple form fields for your personality survey. On the left-hand section of the builder, you can choose different types of fields including text fields, e-signature fields, and numerical fields. 

Step 4: Drag and drop preferred fields into your form into your work areas. After this, click on the “pencil icon” beside the fields to edit them. You can add questions, options and make the fields “hidden” and “read-only”. 

Step 5: Click on the “save” icon so you don’t lose any changes you’ve made. Clicking this icon takes you to the builder’s customization section. 

Step 6: In the form customization section of the builder, you can use various features to modify the look and feel of your personality quiz. You can select a new theme for your survey or build a custom theme from scratch. You can also add your organization’s logo and include background images to make the survey more beautiful. 

Step 7: Copy the form link and share it with the respondents. Alternatively, you can send out email invitations or share the QR code to collect responses. 

Quiz and Survey QA/QC: Mistakes to Avoid

The quality of your personality quiz or survey determines the quality of responses you get. If you send out bad surveys, it will affect the validity of the information respondents provide and the conclusions you reach at the end. 

So what mistakes should you avoid when creating your survey? Let’s look at a few of them. 

Asking the Wrong Questions 

While there are no right or wrong answers for personality quizzes, it turns out that there are wrong questions that can affect the quality of responses you get. So, before you start drafting any questions, make sure you’ve done enough research on who your audience is, and the expected outcomes you want. 

Avoid asking bad survey questions that force respondents to give biased responses that do not reflect their true characteristics. Leading questions, questions with double-negatives, and loaded questions are examples of bad survey questions that you should avoid in your survey or quiz. 

Read: What Are The 16 Personality Types? [By Myer Briggs] + Free Tests

Using the Wrong Question Format

An open-ended question should be asked via a long text field while a question requiring numerical responses should be asked using a numerical form field. If you ask questions in the wrong format, it can affect the responses you get. 

Poor Survey Design 

Survey design deals with the overall layout and presentation of your personality quiz. This starts from choosing the right form builder with different features that support your data collection. For example, Formplus has several field options and features that allow you to collect data easily using quizzes and surveys. 

Avoid clustering tons of questions into a single page. Rather, split them into multiple pages and sections to make it easy for people to read and respond to them appropriately. 

Personality Quiz making Frequently Asked Questions 

1. How to Create a Personality Quiz from Scratch

  • Choose a form builder for creating your quiz from scratch. Formplus is a great option here.
  • Choose a simple and straightforward title for your survey.
  • Draft the questions for your personality quiz.
  • Input the questions into your survey builder using different form fields and formats.
  • Customize your quiz using the different options available in your form builder.
  • Copy the form link and share it with quiz participants.

2. How to Interpret Quiz and Survey Results

  • Visualize your data using charts and graphs. You can easily add data visualizations using Formplus.
  • Outline the key facts and results from your personality quiz.
  • Spell out the contexts of your survey statistics
  • Outline the outcomes of your data collection
  • Outline any next steps

3. How to Embed Quizzes and Surveys on a Website with Formplus

  • Go to the form sharing section in the Formplus builder.
  • Click on the Embed tab from the left navigation menu.
  • Click on the ‘Use as Popup’ button to embed the form as a popup. Alternatively, you can click on the ‘Use as iFrame Embed’  button to display the form on your website as an iframe. If you’d like to add it to your Facebook page, click on the ‘Embed in Facebook Page’  button to embed the form on your Facebook page.
  • Click on the “Copy code” link in the section box of any option/button selected to automatically copy the code. Paste this copied code in the appropriate place on your website.


Personality quizzes and surveys have many advantages in market research, recruitment, and psychology. If you ask the right questions via the appropriate format, you can discover relevant insights into a person’s motivations, behaviors, and preferences. These pieces of information will help you make calculated decisions as a business owner, recruiter, administrator, or researcher. 



  • busayo.longe
  • on 11 min read


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