Build Seamless Online Application Forms
Reduce the time spent receiving and processing online applications. Use conditional logic to trigger different actions on forms, personalized emails, and send PDF copies of responses with Formplus.
Create a Form - It's Free
Trusted Users

Start With Ease
Use one of our 100+ templates to create your application forms in no time

Reduce Processing Time
Receive only your intended information format by using our field validation.

Involve Your Team
Get your team involved in the application process by adding them to your account, have your team members approve or deny your application from any device they’re logged in to! Assign roles to team members, get everyone involved.

Need to collect repeating information?
We make this easy! You can also section your applications into pages which your applicant can save and continue at any time.

Send Confirmations to Everyone
Keep applicants up to date on their application status as your team reviews in different stages. Share your applicants responses to your team.

Put Your Forms Where it Matters
Whether you want your form to stand alone or you want it embedded on your website, we make your forms blend easily with any page you decide to put it on.

Forms That Feel Like Yours
Create smart forms that branch based on previous responses and prefill with your applicant's information.
Receiving Files? No Problem
Receive files of any type and size into your Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive or even our secure storage and automatically rename all files with the applicant detail.

"Using Formplus has decreased our time and cost ten times over. We have saved ourselves some paper and the cost of printing out paper applications. We can access data much quicker and documents can easily be uploaded for review before we accept students. It is also 100% faster to obtain enrollment applications."
Polk State College Charter School