Seamlessly update the data on your Airtable accounts with your Formplus responses. Do this by integrating your Formplus account with your Airtable account.

Here’s how;

  • Now, you’re going to need to connect your Formplus account.

  • Once you click on ‘Connect’, sign in to your Formplus on the pop-up modal and authorize access
  • Click on ‘Next’ and select the form you’d want to collect responses from

Connect your Airtable account

  • To do this, you’ll need to get an API key from your Airtable account. If you haven’t generated an API key before, simply click on ‘generate’
  • Enter the API key into the pop-up you get and hit enter

  • Select an Airtable Base you’d want to create records in and click on ‘Next’
  • Select the Airtable Table where the base is located
  • Next, select the fields you want to populate in your Airtable base
  • Once this is complete, Match your Formplus fields with the Airtable rows and columns you’d want them to appear in
  • Test your Zap to be sure everything works as it should

  • Review and Turn it on

That’s how you send your Formplus responses to your Airtable Base.

  • busayo.longe
  • on 1 min read


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