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School Verification Form Template

The school verification form is an official document that is used to verify a student’s educational status. This verification form can be used to clarify information about the student, educational institute, student id, school administration and so on. This information can also be used to verify the authenticity of school. Get started with this template today.

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School Verification Form Template

What is a School Verification Form?

A School Verification Form is a document used to confirm a student's enrollment, attendance, and completion of a certain level of education in an educational institution. It is mostly used by employers, embassies, and higher education institutions.

Why is a School Verification Form Required?

It is required to confirm eligibility for scholarships and admission into higher education programs, job employment, and eligibility for immigration programs, and the like. 

What Information Is Included in a School Verification Form?

The student's name, matriculation number, year of entry and exit, the kind of education,(online/in person, full-time or part-time), and the signature of the authorized representative of the school.

How can I create a school verification form?

A school verification form is easy with Formplus, a form-building tool with a wide array of templates, that can be customized to meet the unique specifications of your organization.

To create a school verification form, log in or sign up to Formplus to access the school verification form template.

Customize the form to align with your preference using the Kanban-style drag-and-drop form builder, which lets you tweak the form to align with your brand elements in terms of color, logo, layout, images, and lots more.

The robust payment integration features of Fromplus, let you receive payments for your service directly to your bank account with payment gateways like Pal and Stripe.

Once you are done you can share your completed school verification form via a QR code, an email link or you embed it on your website.

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