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Free Matchmaking Application Form Template

The matchmaking application form can be used to match potential love interest together. individuals can fill out relevant details such as their interests, preferences, expectations, and so on. the feedback gotten can be used to matchmake potential lovebirds. Information gotten can also be stored using Formplus secure storage. Get started with this form today.

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Tips For Using the Matchmaking Application Form Template

If you're thinking about starting a matchmaking service or looking for potential romantic partners, matchmaking forms can help you collect information about potential love interests and make compatible matches.

Matchmaking forms provide insight into applicants' preferences, interests, and relationship goals. A well-designed matchmaking form allows you to collect all of the information you need to find potential matches while also making it simple and easy for applicants to provide that information.

In this guide, we'll look at matchmaking forms, their key elements, and how to create them in minutes with Formplus.

What Is a Matchmaking Application Form?

Matchmaking application forms enable you to match potential romantic partners by collecting their information, and preferences. It helps you make compatible matches by understanding respondents' dating goals and preferences.

The form typically collects personal information from respondents, such as their name, age, gender, occupation, and location. It also collects information about their partner's preferences, such as age range, physical appearance, and interests.

After collecting respondents' information and interests, you can match them with someone who fits their preferences and interests.

What Does the MatchMaking Application Form Include? 

  • Personal Information- name, age, gender, occupation, education level, location, and contact details.
  • Personal Preferences- ideal partner description, including age range, gender, physical characteristics, and interests.
  • Lifestyle and Interests- Hobbies, interests, and lifestyle choices
  • Personality Traits- level of extroversion, emotional stability, or openness to experience.
  • Relationship Goals- respondents’ goals and expectations e.g long-term commitment or something more casual.

How to Create a Matchmaking Application Form

  1. Go to the Formplus Matchmaking application form
  2. Sign in or log in to your Formplus account.
  3. Edit form questions to fit the information you need from applicants
  4. Add new fields with drag-and-drop builder e.g relationship goals, and personality traits
  5. Add conditional logic to your questions to personalize each applicant’s experience.
  6. Save your form.
  7. Customize the look and feel of the form with the customization options- color, background image, font, and others.
  8. Choose preferred settings- confirmation emails, submission notifications, and others.
  9. Share the form with potential applicants via website embed, QR code, form link, or social media.

What Is the Difference Between a Matchmaking and a Dating Application Form?

The main difference between matchmaking and a dating application form is their goal. Matchmaking application forms help you to match people with compatible partners based on shared interests, values, and personality traits.

Dating application forms, on the other hand, help applicants find potential dates, not necessarily partners. As a result, dating application forms do not take into account as many factors when matching applicants as matchmaking application forms do.


Matchmaking forms enable you to make compatible matches using applicants' preferences and interests. User-friendly matchmaking forms enable you to effectively collect applicants' information and provide them with a smooth application process.

Ready to make compatible matches? Start with Formplus user-intuitive matchmaking form template. 

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