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Customer Intake Form Template

A customer intake form is used to gather relevant information about your customer. This form is tailored to help you ask your customers the right questions to determine if they are the right fit for you. This form can help you know your customer’s needs and problem so you can tailor your service to their problem. Get started with this form today.

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Tips For Using the Customer Intake Form Template


A customer intake form is a structured questionnaire or survey designed to gather essential information from new or potential customers. This form helps businesses understand their customers' needs, preferences, and requirements, enabling them to provide better products or services and enhance the overall customer experience.

Purposes of a Customer Intake Form

  • Capture Customer Information: The form collects basic contact details and relevant information about the customer, facilitating communication and follow-up.
  • Understand Customer Needs: By asking specific questions, the form helps businesses gain insights into what customers are looking for, their preferences, and their pain points.
  • Personalized Offerings: Information gathered from the form allows businesses to tailor their products or services to meet individual customer requirements.
  • Assess Customer Satisfaction: The form can include questions to gauge customer satisfaction with previous experiences or interactions with the company.
  • Improve Customer Service: Understanding customer expectations helps companies improve their customer support and service.

Users of a Customer Intake Form

The customer intake form is typically utilized by sales and customer service teams. It may also be used by marketing departments to gather customer data for targeted campaigns.

Creating a Customer Intake Form using the Formplus Template

  • Sign up for Formplus: Create an account on the Formplus website or log in if you already have one.
  • Choose the Customer Intake Form Template: Select the "Customer Intake Form" template from the available options.
  • Customize the Form: Modify the form to suit your business needs. You can add or remove questions and adapt the design to match your branding.
  • Include Essential Questions: Ensure the form includes questions about the customer's name, contact details, preferences, and requirements.
  • Use Dropdowns and Multiple Choice: Utilize dropdown menus and multiple-choice questions for easy selection and data organization.
  • Add Open-Ended Questions: Include open-ended questions to allow customers to provide additional comments or specific details.
  • Test the Form: Before deployment, thoroughly test the form to ensure it functions correctly and is user-friendly.
  • Distribute the Form: Share the form link through emails, social media, or your website to reach potential customers.
  • Collect and Analyze Responses: Gather responses and analyze the data to better understand your customers and tailor your offerings accordingly.

What is Included in a Customer Intake Form?

The content of a customer intake form may vary depending on the nature of the business, but some common elements include:

  • Contact Information: Name, email address, phone number, and other relevant contact details.
  • Product or Service of Interest: Inquiring about the specific product or service the customer is interested in.
  • Preferences and Requirements: Questions about the customer's preferences, needs, and any specific features they are looking for.
  • Budget and Timeline: Gathering information about the customer's budget and desired timeframe for the purchase or project.
  • Past Experiences: Assessing any previous interactions with the company or competitors.
  • Feedback and Comments: Providing an opportunity for customers to offer feedback or additional comments.


A well-designed customer intake form is a valuable asset for businesses seeking to understand their customers and cater to their unique needs effectively. If you use the customer intake form template provided by Formplus or customize it to suit your requirements, your businesses can gather important customer data, improve your offerings, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

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